No one wants to admit they are fighting bed bugs. Let's face it; there is still a stigma attached to these bugs. Even with all of the efforts that have been made to bring awareness to the fact that bed bugs are not associated with dirty people, this insect can't seem to shake this reputation. And, for seniors living in community housing, this is becoming a serious problem. Why? Because some seniors are embarrassed to report that they have these bugs. And, when bed bugs aren't reported, it allows them to spread from room to room, and from apartment to apartment. Here's what you need to know.

keeping bed bugs out of senior housing in colorado

There are two primary ways bed bugs spread. They spread from structure to structure by hitchhiking inside the belongings of people. They can do this when someone moves into a building, or when someone visits a building. It is even possible for them to enter a structure when a piece of furniture is brought into a building. They don't come from the woods, the bushes, or the lawn outside; these pests are always carried in. The second way they spread is by moving from room to room or apartment to apartment through wall voids. In a building that has a strong community, bed bugs can move around on people, on their belongings, or through the walls.

Often, the only way a property manager knows there is a bed bug problem is when these pests are reported. If residents don't report them, bed bugs can easily spread throughout the entire structure. It is also vital to understand: cleaning won't get rid of these bugs, DIY treatments are rarely successful, and this is not a pest problem that will go away on its own.

As mentioned above, one reason for a lack of reporting is embarrassment. It is vital that seniors know that bed bugs are not something to be embarrassed about.

Some seniors don't want to rock the boat. If they have a reasonable rent and a reasonably comfortable life, they don't want to make waves because of a little bug problem. They need to understand that when they report bed bugs it helps other residents avoid being attacked, and it helps the property manager maintain a good reputation.

Some seniors don't report bed bugs because elderly people are much less likely to get painful, itchy welts from bed bugs than kids and younger adults.

An effective bed bug plan includes public awareness. If you'd like more information about these blood-eating pests, or to learn about the industry-established bed bug protocols that work to manage these frustrating bugs, reach out to us. We look forward to serving you.