Colorado Springs Pest Prevention
Are you ready for spring pests? If not, we have you covered. Today, we will look at common pests in Colorado Springs homes, share practical ideas to keep pests out of your home, and explain how a quality pest control plan, like Colorado’s Choice, can increase your pest protection in ways you may not expect. Let’s get into it!

While tiny, ants are plentiful, and they come in a variety of types. This makes ant control complicated. When ants enter your Colorado Springs home, they can drive you crazy. Here’s what you can do about them.
- Keeping your interior clean can deter sugar ants and other pests from living in your home because pests feed on food debris.
- Sealing exterior doors by updating weatherproofing is a good way to keep pavement ants and other pests out.
- Sealing around pipes and other foundation penetrations blocks access for pests close to the ground, such as ants.
- Cleaning trash containers and getting trash to the curb weekly helps to reduce odors that lure ants and other pests from a distance.
- Addressing moisture problems, like a leaky pipe under the kitchen sink or damp basement, can deter wood-damaging carpenter ants and other moisture-loving pests.
Many of the natural methods used to reduce ant activity also work with other pests. Consider this as you develop your Colorado Springs pest prevention plan.
Most spiders are simply annoying. They leave unsightly webs for you to clean up and creep you out when they appear in unexpected places—particularly inside your home. But we also have black widow spiders, which are venomous. Here’s what you can do about spiders:
- Spiders create egg sacs, which can release hundreds of spiderlings. Removing and crushing egg sacs can prevent this. Many spiders make their sacs in their webs, so spider web removal is helpful.
- Spiders don’t like it when you remove their webs. It takes hard work to make a web, and pulling a web is a sign to the spider that the area is unsafe for web building. This is another reason to get rid of spider webs.
- Spiders like to hide in and create webs inside objects in your yard. They prefer logs and other organic debris, which yard work can deter. They also get into man-made items, so picking up all yard clutter is essential.
Along with these tips, use the suggestions above to create your Colorado Springs pest prevention plan.
Regarding home-invading critters, no warm-blooded animals can compete with house mice. These are common pests. When house mice enter your home, they can damage your belongings, spread germs, leave waste materials, and gnaw on things. House mice sometimes chew on wires within wall voids, which can lead to a fire. Here’s what you can do about house mice:
- Keep your exterior free of piles and debris that mice can hide under.
- Trim vegetation to remove even more hiding places.
- Consider installing fencing materials around the base of exterior structures, such as decks and stairs.
- Use expanding foam to block access to structural gaps and holes.
Mice don’t need reasons to get into your home and stay permanently, but you may deter them by making it harder for them to do so.
These pests don’t have to get into your home to create problems. They buzz around in your yard, waiting to bite you and ruin outdoor fun. While most mosquitoes won’t make you sick, some are infected with viruses that impact human health. Mosquito bites can also impact the health of dogs and cats. Here’s what you can do about mosquitoes:
- Address puddles. Puddles provide breeding sites for baby mosquitoes.
- Remove objects that hold rainwater. Mosquitoes only need an inch of water to lay viable eggs.
- Trim vegetation to reduce humidity in your landscaping. Mosquitoes prefer to hide in humid places.
- Address lawn weeds. Mosquitoes live on nectar and plant sap, not blood.
Some simple changes around your home can greatly impact how many mosquitoes visit your property.
The role of professional pest control in Colorado Springs
When you have a professional pest control plan that targets pest problems that develop in your yard or inside your home, you’re well on your way to stopping pest problems before they develop. Let’s use the pests we talked about today as examples:
Ants: Your Colorado Springs pest control specialist routinely inspects your yard, notices ant problems that arise, identifies the ant species, and eliminates the nests by using the appropriate science-based ant control products.
Spiders: Your technician deals with exterior spider webs, so you don’t have to. Targeted methods are used if a problem spider, such as the black widow, is found in or near your home.
Mice: Your Colorado’s Choice plan includes protection from rodents. We also offer Colorado’s Choice Smart Service, which comes with Anticimex SMART, an intelligent, electronic rodent control and surveillance system.
Mosquitoes: Seasonal mosquito control targets adult mosquitoes and stops new ones from hatching by treating resting and breeding sites. Even better, this service also protects against ticks!
Contact EnviroPest for pest control in Colorado Springs
Would you like to learn more about how to add home pest control and mosquito control as part of your Colorado Springs pest prevention plan? Serving Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder, and Northern Colorado since 1965, our pest control pros can protect your home and loved ones from pest issues!

Pest Solutions For Homes & Businesses
We understand that pest problems can be unsettling and frustrating, but the solution shouldn't be. For over 55 years, we've been helping folks right here in Colorado take care of ants, spiders, mice, mosquitoes, wasps, bed bugs, bats and most other creepy crawly things. We'll get there fast to solve the issue quickly and affordably - Guaranteed.