Why Do Bed Bugs Keep Coming Back?
Bed bugs have almost exclusively lived with humans. Over the centuries, we've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them to try to get rid of the biting pests, but they are still around. It is clear that if they were easy to control, the world would be forever free of these super annoying pests! What does that tell you? They're hard to control. Join us today as we give you a look behind the curtain. We'll tell you why these insects outsmart treatments and keep coming back. If you currently have bed bugs in your home and you want help getting rid of them, contact EnviroPest for professional control. We offer industry-leading bed bug control in Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Denver, as well as throughout Northern Colorado.

Bed bug behavior is misinterpreted
The first thing you should know is that bed bugs don't usually come back over and over. It only seems like it. What is really happening is that they don't go anywhere. They sense danger and stay hidden until it is safe to come out again.
Another way it can seem like bed bugs have gone away and come back is if you collect a few with a vacuum and don't get any bites for a while. What happens is the adults and nymphs are collected, but the eggs remain hidden in tight spaces. When the eggs hatch, new nymphs emerge, and the biting starts again.
It is possible to get bed bugs over and over, but it requires unique circumstances. Why unique circumstances? Because bed bugs are hitchhiking insects. They don't come in from your yard. They travel from location to location. Here are a few specific ways you might get bed bugs repeatedly:
- If you live in an apartment, you could get bed bugs from a neighbor. These insects can get into wall voids and pass from one unit to another.
- If you buy and sell used furniture or household items, you may get bed bugs from the items that were once in other people's homes.
- If you travel a lot, you may routinely pick up bed bugs and bring them home. Hotels, resorts, and other sleep accommodations can get bed bugs as guests bring them in with clothing and luggage.
- If you have an infestation at work or school, these insects could find their way to your home more than once.
Do you see how it works? When bed bugs appear after you've attempted to get rid of them, it is likely that they didn't go anywhere. But, if you do keep getting bugs from a remote location, it is important to figure out where and take steps to prevent future problems.
An incomplete solution is applied
The common cause of repeated bed bug appearances is failed treatments. We touched on one way this can happen. If you find bed bugs and suck them up with your vacuum, you may continue to see bugs as the eggs hatch. But there are other ways treatments fall short.
There is a common misconception that bed bugs are only found in beds. This is not the case. They are found in other furniture, electronics, and hiding places within homes. A complete solution must account for bed bugs not found in beds.
Professionals control bed bugs in many ways, but the methods fall short when applied by untrained individuals. Heat is a good example. Professionals use specialized, temperature-controlled heating units, heat sensors, and meticulous methods.
If you keep seeing bed bugs over and over or have discovered them for the first time, perhaps it is time to contact a licensed professional and get a professional bed bug treatment.
How to get rid of bed bugs in Denver & Colorado
Contact your EnviroPest service team for professional bed bug treatment. Our experienced pest control specialists use conventional treatment materials and professional-grade heat remediation to address all the stages of bed bug development, including eggs. If you'd like to learn more about our bed bug control for homes and businesses, connect with us today!
You can also request a bed bug quote by completing the form below. You don't have to let the bed bugs bite. Get relief today.

Pest Solutions For Homes & Businesses
We understand that pest problems can be unsettling and frustrating, but the solution shouldn't be. For over 55 years, we've been helping folks right here in Colorado take care of ants, spiders, mice, mosquitoes, wasps, bed bugs, bats and most other creepy crawly things. We'll get there fast to solve the issue quickly and affordably - Guaranteed.