It’s been a hot and sometimes record-breaking summer in Denver, Colorado Springs, and the rest of Colorado, but it won’t last much longer. In fact, recent weather reports suggest it’ll start cooling down anytime, and with the official first day of fall only days away, those of you looking forward to wearing cozy sweaters and inhaling the aroma of pumpkin spice won’t be disappointed. Of course, along with the cooling weather and changing leaves, something else is afoot. No friends, we’re not speaking of the preparation for the upcoming Halloween, although that day does lend itself to tricks and mischievous antics; we’re talking about the increasing problem of a particular fall pest in Colorado, specifically mice. While we’re enjoying this time of year and the respite from the hot days, we’d be remiss if we did not warn about these small yet destructive rodents and the likelihood of finding them in your home or trying to get inside in the coming days and weeks ahead.

fire started by mouse chewing on wire in colorado home

Mice multiply quickly

If you’re thinking so what, a mouse in the house is nothing to panic about, you’re right… kind of. The trouble with that line of thinking is that there’s never just one mouse in a house (and any number of mice can cause issues). That’s because mice are prolific breeders; a single mouse can produce as many as 10-12 pups each month! Imagine one impregnated female mouse breaching the exterior of your home, setting up her nursery in the attic insulation, visiting the kitchen for a snack, and introducing up to a dozen babies to your home. Again, we remind you that only one female. What if there were five, ten, or more? While panic is unnecessary, there’s certainly cause for alarm whether you have one or a dozen mice in residence.

What makes mice more than a nuisance pest in Colorado?

Mice are not just nuisance pests; they pose a serious risk to health and property. Mice urine and droppings can trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma. They can also contaminate food and are a source of salmonellosis and Hantavirus. In recent years, there have been serious illnesses and fatalities in Colorado due to the plague transmitted by… you guessed it, mice. If that seems like an exaggerated warning, keep in mind that a human case of the plague was confirmed in Pueblo County back in July; it is still a problem despite seeming like an issue straight out of the Middle Ages.

And it’s not just a threat to health that makes these rodents more than a nuisance either; mice are chewers, and it’s not necessarily by choice. You see, they must constantly gnaw to keep their incisors at a manageable length. Unfortunately, when they use wires as chew toys, the risk of a housefire increases.  The next time you hear the phrase “fire of unknown origin,” think of mice (and rats, too, in the interest of being fair). Mice also destroy other building materials by chewing. Their urine, droppings, and nesting behavior also lead to damage. Moreover, they damage and ruin belongings, especially ones stored in cardboard boxes in the attic. Rodents can even damage cars in the driveway!

How to keep mice out of your home this fall

We won’t leave you thinking it’s all gloom and doom. You can do a few things to try and keep mice out of your home this fall. Check out the following rodent prevention tips:

  • Seal cracks and holes – especially where utilities and pipes enter your home.
  • Replace weather stripping around doors and windows.
  • Repair screens on doors and windows.
  • Store food in airtight containers as soon as you return from the grocery store.
  • Remove trash and garbage regularly.
  • Repair leaking pipes and fix other plumbing issues.
  • Ventilate attics, crawlspaces, and basements.
  • Declutter your garage, attic, and other storage areas.
  • Keep your grilling area clean and pick up outdoor living spaces.
  • Eliminate potential nesting sites in your yard by picking up debris and stacking firewood off the ground.
  • Trim back tree limbs and other vegetation so they don’t grow against your house.
  • Stop feeding birds and other wildlife.
  • Use rodent-resistant compost bins.
  • Clean out your gutters.
  • Replace missing shingles and siding.

Are these rodent prevention tips 100% effective?

Although these tips will help make your home and grounds less appealing to shelter-seeking, hungry mice, we cannot say with certainty that you’ll not have to worry about mice this fall or even into the winter. That’s because these opportunistic pests are excellent at finding and exploiting potential entry points homeowners often miss. It’s also entirely possible they’re already inside.

The most effective way to exterminate and prevent mouse problems

While you might be tempted to grab some mouse traps or poison at the store in an attempt to solve the problem on your own, we urge you to reconsider. Oftentimes, the root cause of the infestation is not addressed and the products inexperienced homeowners use can be harmful if used improperly. 

The best way to eliminate mice and prevent them from returning is to call a licensed pest control company like EnviroPest. In business since 1965, our team of pest control specialists has the expertise to find and get rid of mice and other rodents- completely! Our Colorado’s Choice Smart Service, an ongoing home pest control plan, is an affordable and highly effective way to eliminate and prevent mice infestations and to keep insects out, no matter the season.

Check out our residential plan below, or give us a call to discuss your pest problem!

colorado's choice complete home pest control

Colorado's Choice Smart Service 

Our Colorado's Choice Smart Service is the most comprehensive home pest control plan EnviroPest targets 30+ pests and includes four seasonal visits and 24/7 digital rodent monitoring. 

Pests covered under the Colorado's Choice Smart Service includes:

  • Ants (Carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, sugar ants)
  • Beetles
  • Centipedes
  • Earwigs
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Spiders (House spiders, rock spiders, wolf spiders, black widow spiders)
  • Wasps (Baldfaced hornets, paper wasps, yellow jackets)

This blog was re-published on October 2, 2022; it has been updated to reflect the most up-to-date information about mice in Colorado.